Express register today’s come and go times in this widget This widget is available for QBIS Time users I Kom och Gick-widgeten kan du på ett enkelt sätt registrera när du kommer och går på en ...
My assignments Widget
Convenient overview of the key parts of QBIS Service Desk. This widget is availabe for users with QBIS Service Desk See your open cases, which priorities they have, how long they have been open and se...
Project Time Widget
To register time on projects has never been easier. Choose to start your timer or add your working time directly. This widget is available for QBIS Project users This widget makes it easy for you to r...
Personal profile Widget
A flexible widget that shows your profile, status and important notifications – so you do not miss anything! This widget is available as standard for all users Profile At the top of this widgetÂ...
Approval assistant Widget
The manager’s best friend in QBIS that lists everything you need to approve such closed weeks and closed expenses and vacation requests. This widiget is available for you who have manager or adm...
My billable time Widget
Stylish graphical overview of your billable hours to help you reach your goals. This widget is available to QBIS Project users. Note that for this to show you need to pick the option: System Control â...
My colleagues widget
This widget is available for all users Here you can in a simple and easy way to see the availability status and contact details to your colleagues. You can either filter your colleagues by department...
QBIS Updates Widget
Stay up to date on upcoming service windows and learn about the new features in QBIS. Information on planned updates and other important system information. Plan your work so that an update never inte...
Tip of the day Widget
Today’s tip is smart functions in QBIS, helping you to discover new functions and features in QBIS – in a smart and simple way. Some tips are general, other tips are grouped accordin...
What is a Widget?
A widget is a small window you could say. The window shows a piece of information or functionalities that are considered important in a simple and clear manner. A widget displays the information in re...