The report is for getting control of unbilled hours and revenue at a certain date or for a selected time period.

It can be used for book-keeping of unbilled revenue in projects or to make sure that all customer responsible have invoiced all their time.

You can also compare unbilled with invoiced revenue in the selected time period.

Analysis of unbilled fixed prices is also included.

NOTE: All columns containing invoiced are based on being generated for invoicing through the invoice manager in QBIS, either to an integrated economy system or to ”no format” to get the values to appear as invoiced in the report.

Explanations for columns:

Actual Hours = Hours Worked on the activity during the selected date period.

Invoiced Hours = Hours worked that has been exported from QBIS invoicing functionality. Invoiced hours should be displayed in the date period including the date picked when generating the invoices in the QBIS Prepare Invoices page.

Fixed Price Activities = Total Amount of Fixed Price Activities in the selected date period.

Accumulated Income = ((Actual Hours*Price Model)*Factor)+Fixed Price Activities

Invoiced = Invoiced Hours)+Fixed price activities that has been exported from QBIS invoicing functionality.

Difference = (Invoiced)-(Accumulated Income).

Billing Ratio = (Invoiced)/(Accumulated Income)*100.