The Lodgings Analysis report is a user friendly and flexible report for analysing your company’s lodgings claimed by employees on their expense sheets and can be used for different scenarios

  • For analysing a company’s different lodging type claims.
  • Economy Administrators can use this report for book-keeping purposes.
  • Business managers and Project managers can analyse how much their team are claiming on different lodging types.
  • For ensuring that certain lodgings that should be billed to the client are billed

Note: This report is only available if you have the Expenses module activated

Report formulas

The report is using the following calculation formulas for the fields below
[Allowance Day] = The value set on the Type in the System control
[Allowance] = [Allowance Day] * (INTEGER ([Date To] – [Date From]))
[Breakfast Reduction] = [Allowance Day] * [Breakfast Reduction %]
[Total Breakfast Reduction] = [Breakfast Reduction] * [Breakfast Reduction Qty]
[Lunch Reduction] = [Allowance Day] * [Lunch Reduction %]
[Total Lunch Reduction] = [Lunch Reduction] * [Lunch Reduction Qty]
[Dinner Reduction] = [Allowance Day] * [Dinner Reduction %]
[Total Dinner Reduction] = [Dinner Reduction] * [Dinner Reduction Qty]
[Total Reduction] = [Total Breakfast Reduction] + [Total Lunch Reduction] + [Total Dinner Reduction]
[Allowance After Reductions] = [Allowance] – [Total Reduction]