Log in

To log in to QBIS you need to fill in Company name, username and password. Then press “Login” and enter QBIS. 
Your login details are provided by your system administrator at the company when you are added as users.

Automatic log in  

It is possible to save your log in credentials, to avoid having to fill them in at every login. Click the box “Remember meon the login page to save your log in credentials on the computer. Note that automatic login can be a security risk and you should only do this on your personal computer –  not on public or shared computers.

Activate Automatic login

It is optional to have automatic login. A system administrator can activate this funktion in the system settings.  Go to: System Control – System Settings and the alternative Enable auto login.

One Time Password 

To increase safety when logging in you can active  One Time Password (OTP). This means that the user gets a new password for each login. An OTP is only active for 20 minutes. Organizations  with a need for higher level of data security, working with confidential information skin uses often use this feature.

If your company uses one-time passwords your options appear as soon as you enter the company name on the login page.  You can then order your a one-time password via either text message or email depending on what methods are enabled by your company.

The administrator activates it under OTP under System System settings – Choose a new password will be sent either by email or SMS.


Log out

To log out either click on the text “Logout” located at the top -right corner or click on the settings icon on the far right of the menu bar and choose the option log out .

Forgot my password

If you have forgotten your password and can not log in QBIS you :

  1. Click on the text “Forgot your password” located under the login box on QBIS login page. When you click on the text, a new form appears where you type in your company name and your username. Click “Send”.
  2. An email will be sent to the address stated on your user profile in QBIS with instructions on how to retrieve your password.
  3. The e-mail you then get contain a link that you can either click directly on, or paste into your browser. This action confirma that it actually is you that requested a new password.
  4. After you have clicked on the link and a new page opens up an new e-mail will be sent to you with a new password.
  5. Log in to QBIS with your new password.

Change password

It is good to change your password often for security reasons. Once you are inside QBIS and want to change your password, click on the Settings icon at the far right of the menu bar and select the option “My Settings”. There you can easily change the password.


Problems logging in?

  • Most often this problem logging into QBIS that either the company name, user name or password is entered incorrectly. If you can not remember your password or have received an incorrect, you can click on the “Forgot your password?” whereby a new password sent to your registered email address. Please note that we have no opportunity to provide your password, then we also can not see it because it is encrypted for security reasons. If this does not solve the problem, you may have received a wrong company or username and you then have to turn to your manager or an administrator to obtain accurate data.
  • If you can not get into QBIS it may also be because you tried to sign in too many times with erroneous data, taking account of security reasons blocked for 20 minutes. You can then wait the time or contact an administrator who can unlock your account.
  • Another possibility is that you accidentally have been inactivated, preventing you from logging in. A manager / administrator will then need activate you again ( under User Details in the Employees module).