The project overview will give you a quick view of important information about your projects. The overview page is presented by widgets showing different types of important information.

Materials Widget

Making it possible for project members to add materials directly to the project. It’s very easy to access even from your phone so you can add materials on the go right after working with it. This leads to less missed materials, better cost calculations and more for the project manager to invoice.

Business Forecast Widget

Shows the manager the expected business value for projects currently in progress and for upcoming projects.  This will be useful for managers that are responsible for business areas and for senior management to get an understanding of expected business based on todays sold in projects.

Top Earners

This widget shows the manager how many billable hrs each resource has.  It is useful for managers to see who the top consultants are in their team or department and to follow up on missing time.

Project Assistant Widget

The purpose of this widget is to show the project manager a quick health status on all their In-Progress projects. Projects are marked with RAG (Red, Amber, Green) to display if they are on track, at risk or needs attention based on schedule, budget and resourcing.

My Project Time Widget

Shows the user what they have spent their time on for the selected period.  If the user has project manager or admin rights, then they can also choose to view other employees. Used to analyse if users are spending their time right.

My Assignments Widget

The widget shows what project activities the user is currently assigned to.  If the user has project manager or admin rights, then they can also choose to view other employees.

My Availability Widget

The purpose of this widget is to show the user an overview of how much time they are booked on to project activities in the selected period.  If the user has project manager or admin rights, then they can also view other employees.

Task Planner Widget

Makes it possible for the user to add their own non-project related tasks to be displayed in the resource planner making it easier to know the total availability of the resource. The user can also see how many tasks that is ongoing and how many that is overdue.