On the message page in QBIS you can in a simple and accessible way to see all QBIS-messages you have received or sent in QBIS.

Go to your messages page by clicking the icon that looks like a megaphone in the menu or through a link.

My inbox

In the Inbox, you see all messages sent to you. Your inbox have columns with From, Subject, Received, Type and Status. You can sort the messages by clicking on the column name.

When a new message is sent to that is not yet open it is labeld “New”. The label disappears when you click on the message and “read it.

Sent / Deleted

Click on the button “Sent” you will see all the messages you’ve sent and you have deleted any messages from the Inbox, you can find them if you click on the button removed.

4 types of messages

There are four different types of QBIS messages that can appear and that is: Weekly Reminders, Project Notices, Time Off information and other messages.

  • Weekly Reminders can crop up if you forgot to turn your time sheets for a week and your boss wants to remind you to close the week.
  • Project Meeting Messages can come if you have access to the menu selection of projects and someone sends a message about the meeting.
  • Time Off Messages
  • Other messages may have some different content, such as if you have access to the menu item “Task” and you get a new case related to you or if you have access to the menu Projects and project member on a project that will be completed / disabled.

Remove messages

To delete one or more messages in your Inbox, click either the first box in the row, and then click the “Delete” – button, this makes things much easier if there are several messages you want to delete at the same time. Or as smoothly and quickly if it is just a message that you want to delete, then click the x that appears at the right of the selected line.



At the end of every message that appears, you can choose how many messages to be displayed on a page. You have 50 or 100 messages per page to choose from.

Extend communications across multiple pages, you also have this arrow – keys allows you easy way to move from page to page.

The first arrow moves you directly to the first page, the next one page forward, then a box showing which side you are on, finishing two arrows is one that moves you one page back and the final, which will take you straight to the last page . On the far right you can see how many lines are displayed on the current page of the total amount of rows. You also have the opportunity here to reload the page by clicking pilcirkel icon.

The last line of the page shows the total number of messages in the selected folder.{:}